The Dabba Don
Great Sopranos-style trailer starring Freddy Flintstone. Part of a Harvey Birdman: Attorney at Law ep.
You are currently browsing the archives for July, 2009.
Great Sopranos-style trailer starring Freddy Flintstone. Part of a Harvey Birdman: Attorney at Law ep.
I’m so tired of these esoteric, emotionally driven movie plot-lines. How many angst-ridden close ups of Ralph Fiennes can a man take? Nobody can be that excruciatingly jilted all of the time!
Bahhhhh! And now… Disaster:
I’ve had this clip saved on my DVR for forever and a half. However, my DVR player is an electronic Fort Knox from which nothing can ever be extracted. So, short of buying a DVD recorder, I did it ghetto-style by pointing a camcorder at the TV. Apologies in advance if I’ve offended your digital sensibilities…
For those of you who haven’t read Matt Taibbi’s scathing Rolling Stone commentary on Goldman Sachs, entitled, “The Great American Bubble Machine,” it’s well worth a look. In it, he refers to the banking behemoth as a “Great Vampire Squid wrapped around the face of humanity.”
DEA agents and New York City’s finest were shocked last weekend to find yet another segment of society corrupted by the War on Drugs — Teddy Bears. In a raid on a Bronx safehouse, police and federal agents uncovered over 44 lbs of heroin and $150,000 in cash trafficked by the customizable bedtime friends known as Build-A-Bears.
From the mind of the lollipop-laden, cartoon pony-pushin’ DJ, Fagottron (author of the Poppins Mix) comes an image of pure bitination…
Strike that, reverse it… Comes a bit of pure imagination.
We apparently have much to learn from the Germans in the realm of video-game themed photoshopped movie posters. More mashupy goodness for you after the clickthrough…
I’ll admit, this one actually registered for me. This guy was one of the most resilient athletes I’ve ever seen. He would routinely put his team on his shoulders, taking over the entire offense, and would absorb endless beatings to do it.
As a draftee in 1995, McNair was known as a wildly talented athlete. Over the next 13 years of pro-ball we learned that he was, more importantly, a determined and courageous individual.
Last week, I guest hosted an episode of We’ll Fix It In Post. If you like nerdy discussions of different types of cinematic time travel, this episode is for you. There was also some eating of disgusting candies for novelty’s sake — a feat first unleashed in this earlier episode…