You are currently browsing the archives for August, 2009.

The Constitution SAYS!?!?

I’m redeeming my allowance for one reference to the birther/tea party “movement.” Unfortunately, the Commission on Sanity and Common Sense won’t allow any special dispensations beyond this. So, enjoy.

Fox Unveils Interactive Mexico Border Map

As part of its continuing quest to inspire Random Acts of Collateral Patriotism, Fox News recently posted an interactive web map of the US-Mexico border. The map uses advanced satellite imagery and a state of the art news feed to track the advance of Subhuman Non-Citizen Parasites and their Malevolent Taco Stands.

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Fun Facts: Dominant versus Recessive Genes

dimple girl

Fun fact I learned is that dimples are a dominant gene.  If one parent has a dimple, they say its guaranteed that the child will have a dimple.  So, just think…some time in the future…almost all of us will have dimples and then smooth cheeks will be considered cute and worthy of a cheek pinch!

Well, it inspired me to find out what else is dominant and I don’t understand what mother nature has in mind for the future of appendages.

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Bobby McFerrin Knows Your Mind

There seems to be something cognitively appealing about the standard musical scale. Bobby McFerrin uses it here to play with a World Science Festival panel audience.

Crash Course in San Fran Slang

Ready your pause button…