The Mep Report | Debate Podcast

Ode to Abbott and Costello

I had a recent conversation with my mom that made me think of a modern day “who’s on first” scenario.

Stacey: Hey Tracy! How was your weekend?

Tracy: Hey girl! It was good. I saw a movie Saturday night.

Stacey: Awesome! What did you see?

Tracy: It’s Complicated.

Stacey: Oh, well, you don’t have to tell me.

Tracy: No, I don’t mind, It’s Complicated.

Stacey: Oh, it’s going to take awhile? Well, girl, that’s okay…I have all day!

Tracy: No, no, it won’t take long, It’s Complicated.

Stacey: Oh, well gee, come on, it’s not like I’m an idiot, just tell me the name.

Tracy: I am, It’s Complicated.

Stacey: You are what?

Tracy: Telling you, It’s Complicated.

Stacey: I get that it’s complicated, but I think I can handle it, so tell me already.

Tracy: Okay then, It’s Complicated.

Stacey: It’s complicated.

Tracy: Yes!

Stacey: Yes.  Telling me is complicated.

Tracy: No, the movie, It’s Complicated.

Stacey: Oh! The movie is complicated.

Tracy: No, the movie is It’s Complicated.

Stacey: Well, hello, Ms. Bad Grammar.  Well, anyway, the movie is complicated…so what’s complicated about it?

Tracy: Oh, nothing much, it’s a pretty straightforward plot, pretty derivative actually.

Stacey: Then why did you say it was complicated?

Tracy: I didn’t, I said that it was It’s Complicated.

Stacey: Yes, we established you don’t know proper grammar…can you just tell me the name of the movie already?

Tracy: Whatever, Stacey.

Stacey: Talk to the hand, Tracy.

Here’s the trailer where they pretty much show you the whole movie.