You betcha!

What’s truly astonishing about the Sarah Palin story is not her complete lack of qualifications to run for any office, let alone President–beauty pageant contestant, mayor of a town smaller than the one I grew up in (no mean feat), half term governor of Alaska, and teabagger phenomenon.  No, what’s astonishing about the Sarah Palin story is the breathtaking way in which a pathological liar gets drunk on one giant feedback loop of fairy tales, thrown so headlong into the mirror of her own ego that she won’t be done picking up the shattered pieces until after she’s crushed in the general election (and probably not even then).  Or how hypocrisy–“[Obama’s] a guy with a teleprompter,” from Palin’s speech at the Teabagger convention–gets publicly revealed in the most delightful ways:


Yep.  It’s Sarah Palin’s hand, and those are notes from the EXACT SAME SPEECH WITH THE “OBAMA AS TELEPROMPTER GUY” LINE.

We here at The Mep Report are begging, nay, pleading with you, Sarah: the teabaggers need you.  The Republicans need you.  Your country needs you.  And most of all, and as always most importantly, YOU need you.  Please, please run for President. It would truly be a year of wonders.

2 Responses to “You betcha!”

  1. Aaron says:

    Be careful what you wish for. No matter how dumb and incompetent she is, you have to fear she could get elected. Bush II did. Twice. Look how many people voted for Perot.

  2. Greg says:

    I would have been more concerned about that had I not seen her addition to the Republican ticket obliterate McCain in the general election…by the time we reached November, her awe-inspiring incompetence and narcissism had become an enormous drag in the polls. Even Bush II and Perot were vaguely more qualified than Palin, and that’s saying a hell of a lot. Remember: the more excited the ignorant racist fringe currently dominating the Republican party gets about someone, the more likely that candidate will turn off everyone else. What’s amazing about it is that neither the teabaggers nor, apparently, the Republican leadership is aware how far out of the American mainstream they are. *whisper* Don’t tell them, ‘mkay?