As you probably read in the news today, President Obama officially announced a new START arms control treaty with Russia which will reduce each side’s nuclear arsenal to 1,500 strategic warheads, along with other delivery and verification protocols which will ensure the reduction is actually happening. (This is, of course, still more than enough to annihilate everything hundreds of times over, and there are many more warheads “in reserve” on each side, so we’ve got a long way to go…but still.) Assuming the Senate ratifies said treaty (which, admittedly, might take a little time thanks to the party of teabaggers party of inciting violence party of lies party of No Republicans in that august body), and for those keeping score at home, that means that in the first fourteen months of the administration:
1. Comprehensive healthcare reform
2. Credit card reform
3. Foreclosure prevention
4. Commitment to repeal Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell (which, though it hasn’t in fact been repealed yet, wasn’t even on the radar screen in the previous administration)
5. Substantial arms reduction
6. Beginning of troop withdrawal from Iraq
7. Student loan reform (an ENORMOUS deal)
I’m aware that two of the four other Meppers don’t agree with me on him, and I’m well aware that Obama is not by any stretch a perfect president. But he remains the best president of the past sixty years (following the worst president of the past century) in part because he continues to move the ball forward, and in part because he hasn’t let the perfect become the enemy of the good. He remains, consequently, the only person I have ever been honored to vote for, and the only president I have ever been proud of in the office. It’s about damn time we got someone in there worthy of the position.