The Mep Report | Debate Podcast

Peace is the New Frontier

The following video by YouTube user, FallingWhistles, is exemplary. It is informative, viscerally affects the viewer, and carries a message unheralded by the mainstream media.

As much as we respect and admire the work of intrepid objective progressive video reports like Democracy Now! and Global Post, production value ultimately matters. As unfortunate as it is, it matters a great deal more than the message carried within. We cannot leave it to the Fox News’s and Mind-numbing Reality Programs of the world to be the arbiter of what stories are told, simply because they have a knack for tapping into human emotional responses.

If we are to change the discourse in this country, we have got to do our psychology homework. We’ve got to use symbolism, subtlety, and sub-conscious signals to our advantage. And we should start by taking a cue from this piece on the Congo…

Originally posted on The Daily Kos