Quintessential WTF
Fair warning: I don’t know what the hell this video is. More importantly, I don’t know why it is. Suffice to say, I found it; none of you have seen it, and now you’re about to watch it.
More things I don’t know about this video: I have no idea what breaching a water-main has to do with a mouse getting decapitated by a mouse trap, and what that has to do with a matchbox igniting, or what that has to do with a rotting sandwich. Nor do I know what is particularly bad about breaking an egg, save for the fact that the egg yolk seems to float around in the air. That seems bad due to the egg failing to adhere to the laws of physics.
I don’t know why it was necessary to re-enact these unrelated events with giant props. I also don’t know why it was necessary to anthropomorphize the various objects by putting human faces inside them. I also don’t know why there was a human face in the brick wall, but not in the sandwich. Or why the mouse had a human face… isn’t a mouse already assumed to be a living object? The egg didn’t have a face either, even though the egg was dead (or, perhaps, never fertilized, so.. not dead, nor alive).
I don’t know why this turned out to be such a thought provoking video. Perhaps it is because someone obviously took several decades planning out the intricate props and ream-tons of tissue paper that it would take to execute this vision of a semi-anthropomorphized world of unrelated things that all seem to be going bad except that some of them aren’t particularly bad.
The fact that the producers of this thing are from London is unhelpful. If they were from a truly nihilistic culture, like Finland, Japan, or Germany (unrelated thought: does being a former Fascist state give a culture a predilection for nihilism?) then I could chalk this video up to that. I could picture the director of the piece smoking an unfiltered-clove cigarette through a cigarette holder while telling me, “Ve believe in no-sing, Lebowski, no-sing! If ve vant to make a floating egg caught by a spoon surrounded by dancing humans vearing condoms, ve fucking do eet.”
But Brits don’t sound like that.
So bizarre… I mean that had to be European, right? And I am just too much of a shallow American to get it… Right? Or maybe it is from Brooklyn.