You are currently browsing the archives for the Animation category.

How Schools ARE Failing

I’ve become a huge fan of RSA’s videos lately, and the latest one I’ve seen is no exception:

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The Simpsons Intro to End All Simpsons Intros

This piece isn’t as fresh as I’m accustomed to posting, but it caught my eye today. It’s a jarring look into the third world consequences of something as innocuous-seeming as animation. The sequence is purportedly inspired by the street activist/artist, Banksy.

The Simpsons on Grad Students

To quote Good Will Hunting, “You wasted $150,000 on an education you coulda got for a buck fifty in late charges at the public library.”

Meneo – Birth of the Santa Nalga

Now we’re talking, internets. This is some highly Freudian, demented awesomeness. If only I spoke Spanish. Could someone please translate the speech of the bug-eyed shame phantom and post it as a comment? You’d be doing the emu a great service.

Howdy Doody Plays God

This — this is something special. Not only does it rate very highly on the internet scale of bizarro, it also taps into some interesting mythological imagery. My favorite aspect is that the Godhead/dummy keeps looking back to the nun ventriloquist to make sure that he’s not stepping out of line with his incomprehensible advice dispensing.

Volo – The Sunday

More French animation for you armchair existentialists out there. The piece is actually called “Le Dimanche.” I feel like this may become a non-English language blog if the French can maintain this kind of viral output.

Host Monsters

This is one of the best animated music videos I’ve ever seen. It reminds me of an enviro-themed Aeon Flux. This magnificence was produced by the Waltzing Monkey.

The Ballad of Prince Adam

A talented mashup artist visits some of the homo-erotic themes in He-Man, while fleshing out the emotional core of Prince Adam. One can’t be a superhero all the time. Sometimes one just needs to vent frustrations and disco-dance one’s troubles away.

The Light of Life

Either artist Daihei Shibata has a profound respect for the natural world, or has been binging too much on Spore.

A Dose of 8-Bit Reality

This Double Dragon/Super Mario protagonist ventures beyond the typical 8-bit endgame to find an even more harrowing challenge — keeping the affections of a rescued princess.

Link via BoingBoing