Vanilla Christ and Chocolate Moses, It’s Not Unusual for Russ to Be Alone… Because He’s Too Smart for People, the Birth of an ArrogantJerk, the Giant Flying Beaver’s Quantum Leap, Serious Vlogging, the Boston Digg Party, RIAA Puppy-Kicking Stakes, Greg Explains Why the Mep Report is On the Internet, Clea Winnebago-Ho-Chunk, Little-Known Stories of Kokopelli, Naked Hydration Via Torso-Licking, First Do All Harm, 09-F9, Diplomatic Immunity and Movie Threes, Peter Jackson’s Jesus-Gandhi-Buddha Application, We Like to Star-Wars Star-Wars, and Star Wars 255: Death of Chewbacca.
Microprofit, No More Mr. McCartney, Cell Phone Disabling Ring-Tone, Making Bounce Houses Out of Nothing at All, Bush Tears His Own Leg Off (by which we mean “Attacks Iran”), Iran Eats the British Hostages, Britain Sends in the Bobbies, Harry Potter Rules Gitmo, Greg Enjoys Russ’ Experience with Gratuitous Nudity, Humbaba Becomes Comfortably Numb, Incoherent Pretending to Sweat, and Russ’ Sumerian-English English-Sumerian Dictionary.
A Christmas Equinox, Apocalypse Then, Mass-Historians, Back to the Committee Meeting, the Cannibal Grandson of Hitler, Storey Litters Parallel Universes, The Meanwhile… 72-Screen Meanwhile… Universe Meanwhile… Movie, the Noble Global Lie and the Fastidious Gremlins, the Unbearable Lightness of February 2nd, ATHFTMR the Movie, Mutant Emu Reptile Chickens, 1980-4 Candidates, Honor Thy Good, TwitterOrkutFriendsterFacebook and the Unclickables, Storey Hides from Neo-Nazis, Phonemmercials, and the Mep Report Throws Russ on the Street.
The Power of the Dark Age, Intel EXTREME Graphics, the Legend of Music, Video Game Realism, Seizure-Protection Glasses, What Happens in Vegas Takes You Out Behind the Woodshed, Lip-Synching to Wax Cylinders, Radio Shack Rice-a-Roni, High Margin Items, Feeding Mr. Bob’s Kids, Corny Coke, NASCAR Nonsense, Harrison Bergeron Goes to Sports, Harnesses of Fire, and Russ Chooses Eyeball Implosion Over Being Within 23,999 Miles of a NASCAR Event.
Happyness is a Free Movie, From a D to an E, Storey Gets a Nerd Demotion, Coincidance, Bush: Stupid or Selfish?, We Solve the Iraq War’s Personnel Shortage with Gang-Bangers, Cops, Prisoners, Civil War Re-Enacters, Pinochet, Zombies, AI and Larry Brown, a REAL Earthquake, The Minor Earthquake Response Team, and Mushroom Shampoo.
The Six Miles of Heroism, McBears and Igloo Queens, Critical American Lives vs. The Meaningless Existence of the Feces People, Storey Unveils a Presidential Quiz Featuring Justin Timberlake, The Holocaust Convention That Wasn’t, Israel Rolls a D20, and Dave Goldberg The Long Island Werewolf Hunter (TM).
A Tienanmen Turducken, Storey Has a Doctor, Super Triple Migraine Fury Go Now, Russ’ Error of Comedies, The Michael Richards Dead Air Special, Tales of a Cracker, Pursuing Happiness in the Tenderloin, and Russ Finds True Love with the Princess of Power.
(Guest: Charles Cadenhead) Timeliness, the Crazy 2006 Election Special: Buddy Khavkhalash Appears, Storey Hates Paper Ballots, the Government Serves Stew, Exit Poll Impatience, Russ’ Vote Doesn’t Count, Negron Activate, Russ Misleads the BH, Finger Lickin’ Socialism, Oil Obfuscation, and the Penn State PreNatal Lions.
Unsolicited Magazines, Jack Attack, Publish or Perish, News from the Ivory Tower, the Los Angeles Angels of Academia, Ikea, An Audience of One, Laughtracks Live, Art Declared Dead, Paint on Me, and a 4-Year-Old Does the Mep Report?