Today, Britain’s Daily Mail Online gave us a glimpse of a possible future distopian solution to unemployment.
Internet Eyes is “a worldwide online instant event notification system utilizing video feed to notify the owner of the feed (customer) that an event is occurring.”
Setting aside my personal disbelief in global warming for the moment, let’s examine why any one given person can’t do a thing about global warming, even in America.
Looking for a way to perk up your work week? Why not update yourself on the impending enviropocalypse?
According to an exhaustive study by the Global Footprint Network, September 25th was the day that the planet used all of the available planetary resources that it could replenish in a year (otherwise known as Earth Overshoot Day). For the rest of the year, we’ll be culling, reaping, and utilizing that which won’t grow back.
This is one of the most informative lectures about the internet that you will ever consume. Jonathan Zittrain not only de-mystifies the processes by which information travels from one site to another, but he lays out an ethos that the Internet operates by in violation of every Darwinian Rule of Human Interaction that you have ever learned. is one of the largest websites on the planet. Like many of its competitors in the social media arena, it doesn’t purport to create or provide anything of substance. Digg’s value comes in the community that it organizes and speaks for. In Digg’s case, that community’s function is to vote for the most worthy news stories of the day for more casual visitors to consume.
With the announcement of some prospective changes to its voting rules, is Digg capitulating to big money interests? Or has its slow march to corruption already rendered its original mission moot?
Since moving to Jersey, my answering machine has been inundated with messages from a “Jeff Price” at “NCO Financial Systems Incorporated”. “Jeff,” a computer-generated voice, is attempting to collect a debt. I figured this was an easy case of mistaken identity with a new phone number, given that I have never dealt with credit at all, but I was once again reminded that Google is your friend in modern America…
Earlier today, internet business culture behemoth, TechCrunch, posted a riddle for its millions of devoted followers. Branded as a heretofore unbroken code, the decipherer was promised Good Will Hunting-like stardom and a potential job with Google, no doubt as the Alpha Team Leader of a Top Secret Super-Genius Infiltration Training Program. Not to mention a TechCrunch t-shirt…
Apparently, Goldman Sachs (or the Great Vampire Squid) has decided to come out of its subterranean sea lair and loose a torrent of economic ruin upon us all. At least it was thoughtful enough to disclose this plan in its newest ad campaign…
“Your future hasn’t happened yet, but when it does, rest assured that Goldman Sachs will be there to suck any possible warmth, wealth, or happiness out of it.