Mep Report #58
Poker Parades, Subway’s Bread Shortage, and The Mep Report Debates Doctors: Migraines, Anti-Depressants, Acupuncturists, Multivitamins, Optometrists, Chiropractors, Vaccines, and Learning from Experience.
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Poker Parades, Subway’s Bread Shortage, and The Mep Report Debates Doctors: Migraines, Anti-Depressants, Acupuncturists, Multivitamins, Optometrists, Chiropractors, Vaccines, and Learning from Experience.
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Friday the 13th in Mepland, Speak-and-Spell Ouija, The Ultimate Video Game Immersion Door-to-Door Service, Our Post-Apocalyptic Future, Adjectival Leaders, Russ’ Elaborate Plan to End the War in Iraq and Revitalize the US Army with NFL Players, the End of the A’s, and Our New Web Design.
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Welcome to Utah, Meet the Mep, Coup de Thai, Iran Cures AIDS, Aerosmith Lucas Laserdiscs, Westworld Remade, How to Beat MVP Baseball 2005: a Guide, Misstepped Movies, Your 2006 Terrorism Warrrrrriors!, Yul Brynner Helper Robots, MacGyver, and Baby Muppets Superman.
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A Polaroid Emu, Word Reclamation, Prelude to a Milking, the Genesis of Sega Sales, the Last Soda Sommelier, SwearWars, Prime Emu’s Questions, and a Discussion of Wizards Leads Us Back to Science vs. Religion.
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NBA Finals, The Boss Key, PC vs Mac, Mac vs Commodore, The Impending Nuclear Sandbox War, the Spoiled Cocaine-Laden Alcoholic Sons of Debutantes are Replaced by Tonka Trucks, North Korea Wanders the Streets, and Storey Roots for Ghana and thus Sparks a Debate on the Nature of the USA.
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(Guest: David Rennich), Wicked Good Shoutouts, Russ is Prescribed Pop-Rocks, We all Mep in a Yellow Submarine, Storey Watches a Video Game Come to Life, Canada Pucks Up, And our Guest Worker Program Debuts.
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The Wonderment of Video Fifa, Andy’s Blackberry Explodes, The Cinque Terre Porno Debacle, Gandhis vs. Klingons, Curse of the Supermen, and Clutchness Defined.
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The Large Gliding Raccoon that Doesn’t Rule the Universe, World Baseball Classic, Games People Play, Andy Witnesses a Vomiting, and Great Actors.
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Live from a Capoeira Bar, Mep Gets an E-mail, Vox Monitor, Russ Defends the Knicks, Detlef Schrempf,, Rack-O, Ben Stein, Bush and Port Security, and Brazilian/Vonnegut Equality.
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Fantasy Football Playoffs, The Suspenseful Song Bet, Violence in Video Games, Graphics Cards, The PIRG Aspen Retreat, and Cop in a Box.
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