If you do K-A-P-P-A in Twitch, you will see that come up all over the place and basically what it’s become is a way to radically alter everything said before it in such a way that you can’t really tell if people mean it anymore so they can be like you know and that’s why it’s important to recognize that you know everyone that’s on this channel really you know sucks the big one and you’re like Kappa. So then you’re like how could you you owe So you you’re saying people would say that but you wouldn’t and you’re making fun of people that would say that you just. According to Know Your Meme, which is basically what you just said Kappa is a graphic emoticon commonly used by trolls as a postscript to a sentence to convey sarcasm on the lunch streaming video platform Twitch. Yes I would say that’s true. Although I would say that you know since everyone in the world uses it, I would say that trolls are that’s a plan for controls. As a troll, I approve this conversation.
Hello internet crickets and empty void. It is I, Russ. I would not be authoring this were it not for a mind-numbing, world-is-a-grapefruit-like coincidence of immense proportions. Via this three year old BBC News Health article, there is a going scientific theory that the number of moles you have can be an indicator of the length of your telomeres.
In this final part of our video highlight series from Mep Report 116, Russ explains his theories on spontaneous regeneration of body parts in infants. Everyone is skeptical. (Be on the lookout for the full audio version of MR116, coming soon!)
For those of you still a bit confused as to why a giant emu seems to be staring you down while you seek out new and creative ways to humiliate the AIG company, look hither.
Here is our official promo spot, lost into the aether until today’s posting…