You are currently browsing the archives for the Highlight category.

Ranting about (TMR Highlight)

Russ’s tendency of flaming things he’s had a bad experience with.

Download Odeo Highlight

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Storey’s Roadside Hack Rant (TMR Highlight)

Ranting Storey at his finest…

Download Storey Highlight

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Shaquille O’Neal: Rapping Cop (TMR Highlight)


Download Shaq Highlight

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“What the Bleep” Movie Produced by Cult (TMR Highlight)

Russ infiltrates a meeting of the Ramtha School of Enlightenment.

Download Culty Highlight

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Russ Becomes a Super-Villain (TMR Highlight)

Only a female has the power to do this to Russ…

Download Russ’ Madness Highlight

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World of Warcraft vs Cocaine (TMR Highlight)

A discussion involving Grreg’s tendency to addict his friends to games that he soon tires of and leaves.

Download MMORPG Addiction Highlight

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Nuclear Powered Digestion (TMR Highlight)

Fun at the hospital.

Download Nuclear Digestion Highlight

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George Bush’s Insidious Stem Cell Plot (TMR Highlight)

Someone had been playing a bit too much Starcraft before this discussion began.

Download Stem Cell Highlight

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Shellfish! (TMR Highlight)

This TMR highlight defies description. Just one of those random happenings…

Download Shellfish Highlight

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Shoeless Joe Jackson Eats Babies (TMR Highlight)

From the few and far between “highlight” cuts designed to give you a quick taste of TMR. This one comes from the midst of a baseball history debate…

Download Shoeless Joe Highlight

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