Storey Definitely Doesn’t Have a Rabbit, How Many Superheroes Can We Fit on the Head of a Pin?, Jurassic Minecraft, Camelot Unchained, Death Comes for the RPGer, Greg Fears the Sex Scene, Rachel Doelezal, The Future is Now, and Science Fiction is Hogwash.
You Will Not Crucify Us on a Cross of MepCoin, Barnacles on the Bitcoin Boat, Greg Doesn’t Want to be Mr. Potter, How Much Coin Could A MepCoin Mep if a MepCoin Could Coin Mep, Greg will [REDACTED] when Russ [REDACTED] because Storey [REDACTED], The Only Winning Game is to Mep, and Long Movies are Long, Snoozefest are Snooze.
Storey and The Big Freezy, GamerGateGoingGaga, Nice Guys Deserve–Nothing?, Gooberman Shrugged, Laser Falcon Will Destroy Your Face (If You Make a Noise), Storey Needs His Shady Avenue, and the Secret to Happiness is Abject Fear.
Russ Is Caught–In the Net!; Ebola’s Gonna Get You (Unless Mitch McConnell Can Stop It); ISIS, ISIL, ISEETHISISNTWORKING; Hypocrisy for the Win; Elections Have Consequences; and How Many Emus Can Dance on the Head of a Mep Coin?
Perfect Girl Exposed! (No, It’s Not What You Think), Shrooms Exposed! (No, That’s Not What You Think Either), Russ Wins at 12th Dimensional Chess, Jackie Hates Perfect Girl, How Long Does It Take to Write the Perfect Text, Always Carry the One When Calculating the Rapture, When Atheists Attack, and Storey Exposed! (No, It’s…Well, Maybe It Is What You Think).
While I’m not sure it can quite measure up to Russ’ brilliant video link from the other day in concision, it must be noted that capitalism is unfortunately pervasive beyond domestic borders. Thus I proudly present the Consequences of Capitalism Quiz:
In case you’re wondering what I got, it’s this: Read More »
Give a Man a Quarter and He Can Play One Game, Teach Him to Write in Basic and He Can Feed a Village (Really), They Don’t Make Video Games the Way They Used To (and Get Off My Lawn!), Russ Can’t Help Falling In Love…Again…, Is This the Text That Launched a Thousand Ships?, How Rabbits From Certain Places Can Help You Recover Your Voice, How Many Meppers Does It Take to Get One Mepper a Date, Angry Pictures are Angry, and Chemistry = Not Fat.
Greg Runs the Gauntlet of the Spa Castle, Uniforms Vs. Au Natural: Fight!, To Every Horde, Turn, Turn, Turn, The Horror of Red Bumperman, The Joy of Having One’s Skin Ripped Off, and Zombie Kings.
Greg Gets a Mortgage (and Becomes an Adult), Russ Gets a Bear (and Becomes a Psychic), Storey Gets a Twin (and Becomes a Skeptic), Kobe Bryant and Jimmy Kimmel Destroy Society One Video Game at a Time, The Meppers Get Immersed, and Everything is Awesome In Sloooooowwww-Moooooo.
A little shameless self-promotion for your Sunday – check out part of my latest series of Blue Pyramid Stories, featuring an amusing anecdote from high school…