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Obama Speech Outburst (Musical Version)

For those of you who missed it last night, here’s the outburst during Obama’s healthcare address that is getting all the attention in today’s press…

Freddie, how could you…

Trials and Tribulations of a 4-Bit Spaceship

I don’t know what inspired this life introspective as seen through the eyes of a classic arcade game protagonist, but it seems to be the sort of thing that we post here, so I’ll just stop blabbing and comply.

John Mayer is Mentally Disabled


This week, released a piece on the greatest baseball broadcasting bloopers of all time. Hidden among the collection is some eye-opening play-by-play by pop-star and talented paper weight, John Mayer

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The Han Solo of Electronica

Just got back from a Little Tokyo record release party for the artist known as Zaptra. As you can see from this video, he’s a little odd.

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8-Bit Quintet

Ahhh, the soothing sounds of Koopa. This pleases me greatly. Yes.

Did it occur to anyone else that the parents of these performers are young enough to have experienced most of these games firsthand? The age of video game genealogy is upon us.

Bing…. There Goes the Internet

If I were Google, I would be truly frightened right now. I mean, Bing now has it’s very own jingle, and a silhouetted man doing squat thrusts in its honor.

‘Self-Aware’ Musical Cabinet Obsesses Over Internet Popularity

As featured in Wired magazine, the Cybraphon is an autonomous, antique-looking music box that is programmed to compose and play its own music. More interestingly. it’s also programmed to neurotically track its own popularity on MySpace, Facebook, and the intrawebs, at large.

A happiness meter featured prominently near the head of the structure reports on how the Cybraphon perceives its search for fame is going at the moment. Unlike its human counterparts, though, the Cybraphon doesn’t post inane facebook status updates of drunken weekend Cabo pictures in the vain hope of seeming more interesting. That remains a uniquely human convention.

Bobby McFerrin Knows Your Mind

There seems to be something cognitively appealing about the standard musical scale. Bobby McFerrin uses it here to play with a World Science Festival panel audience.

Crash Course in San Fran Slang

Ready your pause button…

Auto-Tuning the Scatological

Mark my words: The Auto-Tuning phenomenon is the next big thing in viral videos. My kingdom for a talented musical engineer.

Anyway, here’s Hall of Famer, George Brett, re-telling some charming dinner tales to anyone who will listen (or who happen to be trapped in ear-shot via mandatory calisthenics).

(Warning for language and those who aren’t regaled by poop-humor).