Mep Report #43
A Polaroid Emu, Word Reclamation, Prelude to a Milking, the Genesis of Sega Sales, the Last Soda Sommelier, SwearWars, Prime Emu’s Questions, and a Discussion of Wizards Leads Us Back to Science vs. Religion.
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You are currently browsing the archives for the Philosophy category.
A Polaroid Emu, Word Reclamation, Prelude to a Milking, the Genesis of Sega Sales, the Last Soda Sommelier, SwearWars, Prime Emu’s Questions, and a Discussion of Wizards Leads Us Back to Science vs. Religion.
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Mets Fans, the Podcast Quiz, We Become a Show About Emus, Russ Folds on a Date, North Korean Medieval Relics, Storey Declares War on the Family, Greg Separates Us from the Animals, and Two Irrationals Fail to Make a Rational.
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Illness Assails the Meppers, MepWiki, Compulsory Pejorative Titles (CPTs), Russ Disproves Jesus, Greg Fans His Frustration, The 4 Rules of Life, The Verb To Genocide, and a Comprehensive History of Storey’s Dating Past.
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We Win the Cast War, Central Meditation Agency, Jeff Calls Back, Tony Barking Blair, Russ and the Podcastress, Cat Scratch Village, the Israel/Hezbollah Conflict Creates a Worldwide Genocide, and Free Will Revisited.
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Emus Gone Wild, Sudanese Stem Cells, Russ Eats Friends and Celebrities, Attack of the Animate Corn, Fantasy Class, Robots, and Why God is More than a Bad Bureaucrat.
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(Guest: Kevin Grinberg), Fun with Anne Coulter, Russ Learns from a Blind Date, Wrestling with Analogies, Two Indian Tech Supporters Battle for the Heart and Mind of Greg, X3 Spoiled, Veronica Mars vs. Rachel in Africa, the Ministry of Silly Names, and Prince’s Credit Rating.
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(Guests: Steve & Maureen Lubitz), The Bush/Gump Conspiracy, the Women of Catan, Andy Crashes a High School Dance, The Ethics of Dance-Rejection, Wherever Yugo I will Follow, Storey Brings the Hate, Andy’s Deaf Ear Explained, and a Wicked Good Sit In.
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(Guest: Jordan Segal), Storey Transcends Life as a Grapefruit, Russ Finds a New Friendster, The Even-Numbered Principle Explained, Hot Elevator Lovin’, Troubleshooting Russ’ Dilemma in the Face, and a 28-Hour Roadtrip with the Emu.
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Serious Discussion of Determinism vs Free Will
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The Wonderment of Video Fifa, Andy’s Blackberry Explodes, The Cinque Terre Porno Debacle, Gandhis vs. Klingons, Curse of the Supermen, and Clutchness Defined.
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