You are currently browsing the archives for the Philosophy category.

The Last Glimpse

Ever think to yourself, boy, I really hated the execution of Gaspar Noe’s Enter the Void, but loved the concept. Could you maybe find a Native American version based on an ancient Sanskrit epic without the gratuitous sex and violence? Yes, says the internets, I believe we have that.

Existentialist Star Wars

Why must everything be guided by Force? Isn’t a lack of Force the seedling from which transcendence emerges?

A Divine Thought Experiment

Let’s make the assumption that you are God, for a moment. Discuss…

Know Thyself

Thought provoking montage of quotes + imagery set to Clint Mansell’s The Fountain soundtrack = attention capture win.

She Loves You, Mep, Mep, Mep (Mep Report #126)

Give a Man a Quarter and He Can Play One Game, Teach Him to Write in Basic and He Can Feed a Village (Really), They Don’t Make Video Games the Way They Used To (and Get Off My Lawn!), Russ Can’t Help Falling In Love…Again…, Is This the Text That Launched a Thousand Ships?, How Rabbits From Certain Places Can Help You Recover Your Voice, How Many Meppers Does It Take to Get One Mepper a Date, Angry Pictures are Angry, and Chemistry = Not Fat.

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Even Atheists are Blessed

Richard Dawkins puts a human lifespan in an alien, yet refreshing context.

Cruise Missiles for Peace

My favorite headline of the day today, care of Reddit, read: “Obama Has Fired More Cruise Missiles than All Other Nobel Peace Winners, Combined.”

Really? This was a tabulation that was going to be close?

Seems like a ripe time to recall an old and underappreciated Mep collaborative video win:

Why Everything Sucks

Craig Fergusen with some unusual insight into the demographic targets of our consumer culture. Leave it to a Scotsman to solve our problems of perception for us.

Life Looks for Life

Took a tour of the Griffith Observatory over the weekend and took in an awe-inspiring show inside its planetarium. It took us through man’s eon-long journey for understanding of the unknown. While I can’t replicate it for you here, I can leave something that will hopefully instill some residual sense of wonder:

A More Perfect Union?

On the eve of the State of the Union, thought I’d take the time to display some recent exposition I participated in about the nature of our country and where it is relative to our founding ideals. Featuring three Brandeis debaters!

Mini Cup Round 3 (Brandeis A vs Brandeis/BU) from Will Crocker on Vimeo.

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