You are currently browsing the archives for the Philosophy category.

Larry Lessig on Institutional Corruption

Fantastic (if a bit long winded) lecture on the principles, causes, and consequences of institutional corruption, by Internet Hero, Professor Lawrence Lessig.

Michael Moore Gives Hannity the Business

Good quasi-debate clip here between Michael Moore and Plutocrat Spokesperson, Sean Hannity.

Speaking of which, Capitalism: A Love Story is a must see. It’s your duty as an American citizen to pony up the ticket fare and absorb it.

Mel Gibson Co-opts Our Deity


This is a tough one to bear. Above, is a picture of nutbar Mel Gibson wielding a beaver puppet. Allegedly, this is all for an upcoming Jodie Foster directed film entitled, “The Beaver.”

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Baby Channels Sea Star Powers. (Mep Report #116)


Hey, Hey, The Gang’s All Here, Krull and Kelp Kollide, Russ Goes Back to School, Immortality Is/Is Not Overrated, Baby Sea Cucumbers, Rack-O is Whack-O, Cash for Coal, and NAFTA Bartenders.

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The Way of the IntraWebs

This is one of the most informative lectures about the internet that you will ever consume. Jonathan Zittrain not only de-mystifies the processes by which information travels from one site to another, but he lays out an ethos that the Internet operates by in violation of every Darwinian Rule of Human Interaction that you have ever learned.

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Arrrr, A Harr Harrr, Yarrrrr!


Shiver me timbers! Today also be Talkin’ Like a Pirate Day. We here on the SS Emu are a non-sectarian crew, and hope you find a non-land lubbin way to cheer and grog yourselves into the bloomin’ nighttime.

Here be some help with your pirate diction. Now get off me poop deck, and sally forth into the mighty surf an spray…

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Triumph Makes Appearance at Chabad Telethon

In wishing all you Meppers a Happy Jew Year, here’s a clip of Mep favorite Triumph the Insult Comic Dog inexplicably performing at LA’s yearly Chabad Telethon.

Mep Report 116–Limb Regeneration in Infants

In this final part of our video highlight series from Mep Report 116, Russ explains his theories on spontaneous regeneration of body parts in infants.  Everyone is skeptical.  (Be on the lookout for the full audio version of MR116, coming soon!)

Mep Report 116 – Limb Regeneration in Infants from Laserfalcon on Vimeo.

Mep Report 116–Russ Gets His Graduate Degree

Part two of our video highlight series. In this extended clip, Russ desperately tries to explain why anyone should take a Universal Life Church degree seriously.

Russ Gets his Graduate Degree (Mep Report 116 Highlight) from Laserfalcon on Vimeo.

Mep Report 116–Krull, Krill and Kelp!

As we previously promised, here is the first video highlight from the Mep Reporters, filmed on location at Eagle Studios.  We’ll post several more of these highlights over the coming weeks, and will have the edited audio version available here soon.  Here the Meppers discuss the finer points of Krull, a movie Russ has inexplicably never seen.

Krull, Krill, and Kelp (Mep Report 116 Highlight) from Laserfalcon on Vimeo.