Mep Report #13
Clea Wilson guest stars, Skating with the Stars, Fair-Use Policy,, Adventures in Furniture, Russ as Frank Oz, AOL Chat Rooms, and Clea tells a joke.
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Clea Wilson guest stars, Skating with the Stars, Fair-Use Policy,, Adventures in Furniture, Russ as Frank Oz, AOL Chat Rooms, and Clea tells a joke.
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Storey Becomes Samuel Alito, Andy on Constitutional Law, Greg Becomes Darth Vader, Ono’s Restaurant, The Women of Karate Kid, Russ the Junior Vomit Comet, Sideways, Arrested Development, and Psychic Friends.
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Daniel Day Lewis, Craigslist, Home Furnishings, Ben Brandzel, Llamas, Russ Wrestles with Adulthood, J-Date and Dating Hot Women.
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Bird Flu, Holidays, Pirates, King Kong, Peter Jackson, Pacifism, Hitler, and Singing.
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Accolades, The Big Bad Government, Russ Travels to a Casino with Biscuits, Water Massages, and Happy Holidays.
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Fantasy Football, Podcast/Movie Ratings, Taking Names in Vain, Pirates, Andy’s Character, Drugs and Koalas, Illegal Strikes, Google Earth, Psychic Powers, Evil Papers, NYC Homeless, and a 3-Word Story.
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Fantasy Football Playoffs, The Suspenseful Song Bet, Violence in Video Games, Graphics Cards, The PIRG Aspen Retreat, and Cop in a Box.
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Thanksgiving, Groundlings, Digs, and the Nature of Video Game Addiction.
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Whistling, Star Wars, Christopher Lloyd, Ronald Reagan, Rocky Horror, Progress Quest, Science Fiction and Googling.
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Serious discussion of evolution vs. intelligent design in schools.
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