Instant internet hawtness here. Though, to nitpick, I think Obi-Wan is clearly the Hannibal parallel, which would make Han Solo the “Faceman” character. Though, Lando might be an even better choice for the heartthrob. But I digress…
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Instant internet hawtness here. Though, to nitpick, I think Obi-Wan is clearly the Hannibal parallel, which would make Han Solo the “Faceman” character. Though, Lando might be an even better choice for the heartthrob. But I digress…
A fantastic Huffington Post rant by Miles Mogulescu perfectly enunciates the growing divide between Obama and the movement that brought him to power.
Now that we’ve got the full few of a whole year, this is what the whole bank bailout ends up looking like:
Read Duck and Cover at the Blue Pyramid.
It seems that we have an American Congressman fluent in leetspeak, and it’s Florida Democrat, Alan Grayson.
Facebook Is Kind. Facebook Is Good. All Hail Facebook. When Even Foresight Should Have Been 20/20; Just War Vs. Just a War; Gilligan’s Island As Metaphor for War; Clea and Facebook are BFF; Storey Still Hates Privacy; How the Internet Saved and Destroyed the World At the Same Time; and It’s All Fun And Games Until Someone Loses a Thought.
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Virgin made a potentially huge announcement in the scope of human civilization yesterday as it publicly debuted the first piloted commercial spaceship.
Looks like Mr. Obama is finally going to earn that Nobel Prize of his. In one of the more devious moves in recent presidential history, the big O has sent out nearly the entire US army to lamely wander the deserts in Afghanistan.
Crank with access, Bill Maher, made a remarkably redemptive appearance on Jay Leno last night.