Here’s a recent episode of We’ll Fix it in Post, that I participated in. Later today, I will post the most recent TMR episode — number 115! Really, it will be done. I swear. And that delinquent episode is the only one left between you and the first TMR recorded on video! Heavens to mergatroid!
I could never have foreseen myself posting a Volkswagon spot in the midst of our staunchly anti-commercial Shangri-la. It appears that The Big Lebowski is my kryptonite. So I tip my hat and relay your embed code, good sir.
Last week, I earned a Doctorate of Immortality from the Universal Life Church. Already an ordained minister of the church at the fertile age of 21 (one of the few tens of millions), I decided to take the plunge and focus my studies on the infinite. Though happy to have returned to the corporeal world with my degree, I assure you that the trials of an Immortalist are not to be taken lightly.
Ahhh, the soothing sounds of Koopa. This pleases me greatly. Yes.
Did it occur to anyone else that the parents of these performers are young enough to have experienced most of these games firsthand? The age of video game genealogy is upon us.
I knew it. I just knew that the New York Knicks were part of a global conspiracy to hide the moon-based Illuminati-run space fighters from the eyes of truthseekers. You should probably sit down before viewing this…
I’m redeeming my allowance for one reference to the birther/tea party “movement.” Unfortunately, the Commission on Sanity and Common Sense won’t allow any special dispensations beyond this. So, enjoy.