The Tale of Ernest Schaudenfreuder: The Inventor of Milled Beer, The Meaningless Lives of Met Fans, The Dangers of Emotional Investment in the MacDonalds ‘Monopoly’ Game, Fantatical Powers, Clea Compares Monks to Satanists, Anarchists Have Trouble Coordinating, TMR’s First Stock Tip, New Yorkers Complain About Fascism, The Falafel Man and His Propaganda, And the Great Mystery of the Holiday Inn Express ‘Stay Smart’ Campaign.
Simultaneous Mepping, Greg Gets Mistaken for a Sixteen Year-Old, Hugh Grant’s Whore Mangler, Enterprise Fender-Benders, Costco’s Sarcastic Price Club, Clea Learns to Hate, Telemarketing 101, More Wiki-Vandalism, All Sex is Rape Until it’s Not, and Newsflash: Christopher Walken is Strange.
Russ and the Russian go to Heckling School, Joe Stuhoob’s Inn for Scalpers, Men’s Room Humor, The Great Dogfighting Debate of Ought-Seven, Consecutive Alternating Hooks = Invincibility, The 60s Stun, Dogs are Klingons, Dog Eugenics, and Michael Vick Sodomizes the Elderly and/or Disabled.
Serial Amazon Reviewers, Who is Harriet Klausner?, Off-Off Broadway Flops, Wiki-ruption, Everyone’s Favorite Show: “Let’s Go Outside and Watch the Dueling Guys Shoot Each Other in the Head!”, Renaissance Message Boards, Steinbeck to Steinbrenner, Boom Goes the Dynamite, and Rex Hudler: Color Man or 1920s Seductress?
This video was our Holy Grail of Offensiveness. Borne out of a hatred for the never ending John Mellancamp Chevy campaign playing on endless loops during the World Series, we decided to present our own portrayal of Chevy Patriotism. And our version happened to include things like American genocide, racism, torture, and suppression of truth.
So, ready a nearby eye gouging implement, and enjoy!
The premise for this is that the viewer is watching deleted scenes from the best-selling self-help DVD, The Secret. Yes, that is me in my underwear playing Gollum. Fun. Co-created with Payam Karamooz.
One of the most potentially offensive things I’ve ever created. Also a very hard hitting critique of the award winning and mind-numbingly stupid self help series. The other actor in the piece is one of my closest friends, comedian Payam Karamooz.
Whoa-oa-oa, Letter from a Chad, Prophet Meter, Three’s Company in Gitmo and Abu Ghraib, Jim Croce Plugged, Greg Learns Who Raffi Is, John Ritter the Ninja Turtle, APDA Werewolf/Mafia, Meta-Meta-Meta Rally Time, Fun with Plantar Fasciitis, Giambi’s Gellin’, RPG Realism Revisited, and Grailade.
Vanilla Christ and Chocolate Moses, It’s Not Unusual for Russ to Be Alone… Because He’s Too Smart for People, the Birth of an ArrogantJerk, the Giant Flying Beaver’s Quantum Leap, Serious Vlogging, the Boston Digg Party, RIAA Puppy-Kicking Stakes, Greg Explains Why the Mep Report is On the Internet, Clea Winnebago-Ho-Chunk, Little-Known Stories of Kokopelli, Naked Hydration Via Torso-Licking, First Do All Harm, 09-F9, Diplomatic Immunity and Movie Threes, Peter Jackson’s Jesus-Gandhi-Buddha Application, We Like to Star-Wars Star-Wars, and Star Wars 255: Death of Chewbacca.
To date, the most successful Mep promotional YouTube video. Spawned out of an irresistible desire to pay tribute to this man in a way that the national media never would. Storey put his heart and soul into this video, I added some video clips for effect. This video was completed between 2:00 -9:00 AM, the morning after Vonnegut passed. Possibly the best thing we’ll ever do.
A few months later, we received a very nice letter from Lily Vonnegut (Kurt’s daughter) saying that she and the family really enjoyed and appreciated the piece. That pretty much validated my entire existence, right there.