Storey Definitely Doesn’t Have a Rabbit, How Many Superheroes Can We Fit on the Head of a Pin?, Jurassic Minecraft, Camelot Unchained, Death Comes for the RPGer, Greg Fears the Sex Scene, Rachel Doelezal, The Future is Now, and Science Fiction is Hogwash.
Apparently, Tardigrades can not only withstand super-extreme temperatures, but can also thrive in the vacuum of space. Doesn’t the prospect of space-enduring critters provide a totally plausible alternative to evolution? I, for one, would like to welcome our new Moss Piglet Overlords and pray that they can defeat our Immortal Jellyfish tormentors.
So, I totally want this story to be true. Supposedly there was a group of 15th century thieves that survived the bubonic plague by rubbing a blend of essential oils on their temples before robbing the dead and dying. So, is it true?Who can find the 1997 studies?
Feeling the holiday season doldrums? Why not open up new terrifying vistas of reality with the Necronomicon? And, if you purchase one in the next two minutes, you’ll receive an ebony Chtulhu-style sacrificial blade at no extra cost!
Here’s a whimsical piece on the meager beginnings of Goldmann Sachs. Whoops, I suppose this is actually about another Great Devouring Vampire Squid — Cthulhu.
Here’s the other potential contemporary comedy heir to the throne, Patton Oswalt. While neither Oswalt nor Maron are transcendent figures right now, both carry with them the comedic lineage that goes directly back to Richard Pryor.
Scientists have recently discovered that mastodons once excreted what has become our canon of elite cinema. This may have prompted Mep Reporter Russ Gooberman to declare the recently-released film “The Time Traveler’s Wife” a “steaming pile of mastodon dung“.