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Why Most Meppers Love March
I know Russ has a pronounced preference for watching millionaires play basketball, but it’s stories like this about amateur students that make March so exciting for us:
The Pageantry of Awkwardness
Compelling video of Canadian sports heroes holding their doobie torches aloft while they wait for something… anything to happen.
Seeking Baseball Fanatics
In Mep land, the post-Superbowl week is heralded not for parades and fanfare and All-American splendor. It is, instead, the highly anticipated (if unofficial) start of the baseball season.
And while baseball reality is certainly exciting what with the three Mep favorites (M’s, Sox, and Yanks) all poised to be major contenders this year, baseball fantasy is also right around the corner.
Here’s a little ditty that perfectly encapsulates this last week — whether one is referencing the markets, the economy at large, the craptastic weather, the Activist Supreme Court trying to bring about the Corpapocalypse, or the tragic conclusion to the football career of Brett Fav-Re. Good times.
Drew Brees – Marvel of Modern Science
For you football/physicists out there, here’s a fascinating evaluation of New Orleans Saints’ QB Drew Brees.
Puducherry Cockfighter
Despite its inappropriate-sounding title, this is a surprisingly engaging short film directed by John Hoag Haanes. Also, vastly superior to Rocky Balboa, for my money.
Bill Maher on the Dunder-headed Media
Crank with access, Bill Maher, made a remarkably redemptive appearance on Jay Leno last night.
Olympic Logo ‘Porn’ Could Lead to Prosecution
If you’re a British citizen with a vivid imagination, a glance at the 2012 London Olympic festivities could have you branded a trafficker of child pornography.