Not only thrilled this morning with the group-clinching goal by US Soccer Poster Boy, Landon Donovan, but also of the internet for almost instantaneously spawning this amazing video montage to its greatness.
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Not only thrilled this morning with the group-clinching goal by US Soccer Poster Boy, Landon Donovan, but also of the internet for almost instantaneously spawning this amazing video montage to its greatness.
The thought that Congress serves not the interests of its constituents, but those of its corporate benefactors, used to be reserved for cynics and conspiracy theorists. Now this line of thinking is so banal, so obvious, that it goes without saying. A huge majority (roughly 4 out of 5 Americans) now believes that the game is rigged, and there is virtually no real institutional reform possible without the complete overhaul of our campaign finance system.
Given the coming political kerfuffle over financial regulations, our former Brandeis Professor, Robert Reich is as relevant a commentator as ever. Here’s a recent piece of his on the unholy relationship between Congress and the Giant Vampire Squids of our times.
And here’s an unrelated video of Reich taking his tough talk to the streets with partner in crime, Coco.
This week, ESPN’s groundbreaking “30 for 30” series explored the origins of one of the most popular internet activities – outside of Facebook and LOLcats. It attempted to re-enact the conditions under which “Rotisserie” baseball was created.
And here is the proof. I realize that there is no special significance to this diagram given the arbitrariness of English, and the fact that pi is a Greek character, but still, a worthy effort.
This diagram reminds me of the time I did a Fibonacci derivative of the Fibonacci sequence and was left with numbers which corresponded to letters that were an anagram of “magic hoax.” Think some of us are trying a little bit too desperately to find meaning amongst the nothingness? Pi is an irrational number, they say, but its got nothing on human beings.
Link via the Puzzler at ChicagoNow
Thanks to the Titans of Internet Industry, Google, anyone with a computer and an internet connection can now create an ad campaign and purchase network or cable time slots relatively cheaply. Here’s a little video discovery of this amazing new service run by the folks at Slate.
I spent Sunday amongst a pulsing throng of humanity attending the 2010 LA Marathon. While there, I happened upon Internet Celeb Klaus Pierre, who had recently crossed the finish line.