Counterpoint: Why PleaseRobMe is Flawed Paranoia
I was going to post this as a comment on Russ’ post, but I have enough to say that it warrants one of these ranty point-counterpoint things we love so much on TMR.
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I was going to post this as a comment on Russ’ post, but I have enough to say that it warrants one of these ranty point-counterpoint things we love so much on TMR.
One of my new favorite satirical websites is PleaseRobme, a database of absent-minded social networking updates broadcasting that the user is away from home. In the words of the website,
“So here we are; on one end we’re leaving lights on when we’re going on a holiday, and on the other we’re telling everybody on the internet we’re not home.”
The eyes and ears of our future cybernetic overlords have taken shape, thanks to the industrious engineering work of the Germans. How ironic.
The Hexacopter can zoom in and out of view in the blink of an eye, and sounds like an “angry swarm of bees” as it collects intelligence, scans for impure thoughts, and prepares a euthanasia beam for its thankful victims.
I do not love this. This is one of the creepier YouTube videos in recent memory. It reminds me of a French Surrealist spoof of The Fountain. In other words, this fellow could be the Avatar of Ehecatl, the Aztec God of Wind (and Bananas).
South African post-modern, ironic, hard core rap sensation, Die Antwoord, has been taking the intrawebs by storm. Combining virtually every catchy internet-meme from ninjas to a Progeria-inflicted sidekicks, the oddly believable spoof band has captured the imaginations of comedy fans and serious rap fans alike…
Much as I hate privacy, I am starting to come around to the idea that Facebook and Twitter are the beginning of the end of the Golden Age of the Internet. Purely because I charge them each with half a count of the murder of blogging.
In Mep land, the post-Superbowl week is heralded not for parades and fanfare and All-American splendor. It is, instead, the highly anticipated (if unofficial) start of the baseball season.
And while baseball reality is certainly exciting what with the three Mep favorites (M’s, Sox, and Yanks) all poised to be major contenders this year, baseball fantasy is also right around the corner.
This week, England’s Telegraph UK, featured the SarcMark, a purportedly new innovation for warning others of your not so sincere tone. A life-long ironical satirist myself, the SarcMark seemed to offer the prospect of more directly insulting the oblivious. Unfortunately the SarcMark isn’t a novel idea — at all…
Yesterday, our Digital Overlords (Google Corp) released a new “superphone” that may change life on this planet as we know it…
For the uninitiated, Wafflepwn is the YouTube handle of a newly-minted 16 year old internet celebrity. Over the course of a year, Wafflepwn has amassed tens of millions of video views and over 200,000 subscribers by broadcasting the flaily tantrums of his emotionally disturbed big brother.