The Freedom Suitcase

What? US funding is actually going towards this digital-activist-as-human-server project? Are we allowed to keep these domestically for use against Sony Corp?

Judge a Book by THIS Cover

Been meaning to pimp this site for a while now. Hours of entertaining book summaries ahead that will save you countless days you could actually spend reading instead. Now you can laugh instead of read. That’s the future of English, right Professor Wilson?

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Italians Champion Themselves

Who needs elected representatives? With one fell swoop, Italian citizens today approved a handful of absolutely necessary reforms, and completely ignored the pleadings of their cartoonishly corrupt and incompetent leader to do so. Benfatto.

Is Perfect Girl…Perfect? (Mep Report #127)

Perfect Girl Exposed! (No, It’s Not What You Think), Shrooms Exposed! (No, That’s Not What You Think Either), Russ Wins at 12th Dimensional Chess, Jackie Hates Perfect Girl, How Long Does It Take to Write the Perfect Text, Always Carry the One When Calculating the Rapture, When Atheists Attack, and Storey Exposed! (No, It’s…Well, Maybe It Is What You Think).

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Rough Island Classic

Paul Simon is not easy to improve upon – and I’m not saying it was done successfully here. But it’s hard to argue with a banjoist sitting on a creek in a fireman’s coat.

The Consequences of Capitalism

While I’m not sure it can quite measure up to Russ’ brilliant video link from the other day in concision, it must be noted that capitalism is unfortunately pervasive beyond domestic borders. Thus I proudly present the Consequences of Capitalism Quiz:

In case you’re wondering what I got, it’s this:
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Profound Weirdness in Nature

Casual physicist Aaron O’Connell explains how he turned a tiny piece of metal into a quantum object that violated the laws we assume apply to all things in our larger world.

Mozilla the Brave

While Google and Facebook actively conspire with government agents surveiling law-abiding US citizens, Mozilla Firefox stands alone as the only internet behemoth willing to buck the forces of censorship.

The Pledge

Utter brilliance from The Whitest Kids U Know.


You blew it all up, you damned dirty buffalo!