Mep Report #46
Send Us an Emu, The Committee to Plan Committees Committee, Storey’s Felony, Russ Commits Mental Seppuku, and Why the Mep Report Will Never Have Strippers.
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Send Us an Emu, The Committee to Plan Committees Committee, Storey’s Felony, Russ Commits Mental Seppuku, and Why the Mep Report Will Never Have Strippers.
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A Brief History of Mep, Car Talk, The Big Lebowski, World Class Bottle-Sorting, Adopt a Driver, Socially Conscious Strippers, Cutco: the Biggest Scam in America, The Moral Series of Poker, and Job Gets Jobbed.
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An Evening of Fantasy with the Emu: A Disneyland Battle for the Soul of Greg, It’s Cynicism After All, Disrael, Dark Age of Rehab, Mr. Mr. Toad Toad Happy Fun Land Ride, Baseballand, Fantasy Sports, Fantasy Pronunciation, Fake Italians, the Soul of Muhammad Ali, and Stem-Cell Imaginings.
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A Polaroid Emu, Word Reclamation, Prelude to a Milking, the Genesis of Sega Sales, the Last Soda Sommelier, SwearWars, Prime Emu’s Questions, and a Discussion of Wizards Leads Us Back to Science vs. Religion.
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Mets Fans, the Podcast Quiz, We Become a Show About Emus, Russ Folds on a Date, North Korean Medieval Relics, Storey Declares War on the Family, Greg Separates Us from the Animals, and Two Irrationals Fail to Make a Rational.
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Illness Assails the Meppers, MepWiki, Compulsory Pejorative Titles (CPTs), Russ Disproves Jesus, Greg Fans His Frustration, The 4 Rules of Life, The Verb To Genocide, and a Comprehensive History of Storey’s Dating Past.
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We Win the Cast War, Central Meditation Agency, Jeff Calls Back, Tony Barking Blair, Russ and the Podcastress, Cat Scratch Village, the Israel/Hezbollah Conflict Creates a Worldwide Genocide, and Free Will Revisited.
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Emus Gone Wild, Sudanese Stem Cells, Russ Eats Friends and Celebrities, Attack of the Animate Corn, Fantasy Class, Robots, and Why God is More than a Bad Bureaucrat.
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Storey Meets Zinedine Zidane on the Subway, Tales of Road Rage, Russ Defends Zizou, School Fights, Russ Moves from Burma to Antarctica, Russ Regrows Hair, Trapezoidal Heads, Forgiveness, and the All-Star Game.
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Spanish Translation, World Goooooooooool Cup, Mep Merchandise Announced, Lay Kenneth Lay, Laser Tag, DDR, Russ eHarmonizes, Lonely Celebrities and Other Myths, and Politics: Dynasties vs. Attractiveness.
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