You are currently browsing posts tagged blog.
Narcissism Now Considered Normal
In what is possibly the greatest unintentional cultural commentary of all time by a scientific journal, the Times reported today that the Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders has removed narcissism from its list of mental disorders, along with four others.
Post-Structuralism for the Street Student
I’ve just discovered this young commentator who hilariously calls himself Hennessey Youngman. And I dig his work.
The Spirit of Enterprise
While our nutty country is forgetting its troubles with some good old capitalist ecstasy, let’s take a moment and remember some of the core ‘values’ that brought us to our current desperate station…
The Internet is Sad
Dear Lord, we’ve found it. We’ve found the main emotion nerve of the internet.
And this is what it looks like…
A shrill beacon of raw emotions, pulsing into the ether. Perhaps this is a condition of being fed nothing but creepily ecstatic kitten videos and Norweigen Clog Porn. If you were the excretion receptacle for the emotional status of the American public, you too would be unwell.
Markets of Britain
On my Virign America jaunt over to the right coast, I spent some time watching the recently defunct BoingBoing Video channel. Came across an interview with Peter Serafinowicz, co-creator of Tarvu, and this inspired short:
Matter vs Anti-Matter
Presuming that you’re an American reading this, the odds are fairly strong that you heard this juicy tidbit in the internet/sports rumor mill today. The story is about a woman who is adored for her ability to play pretend, who filed for divorce from her husband, who is adored for his ability to throw a sphere into a standardized hoop.
Unless you are a facebook friend of mine, or happen to follow CERN’s twitter stream, you almost certainly weren’t appraised of this story today. That one told of the most complicated device ever constructed by your species, spawned something that, until fairly recently, was thought to be a purely theoretical type of stuff and sustained it for longer than it had ever been sustained.
I would love to say it was a good day for the human race. I’m not so sure.
Arcane Mage: A How to Guide
Now, I realize the level of nerdiness that goes along with the admission that I used to play one of these “arcane mages” in an “MMORPG” entitled “World of Warcraft.”
Be that as it may, I found this to be a very enlightening tutorial on some of the nuances and finely tuned-skill development that are part and parcel of effectively playing this class, that will appeal to the hard core-gamer and n00b alike.