You are currently browsing posts tagged blog.


Dems some smart monkeys. Why we not let de Binobos vote in de midterm election?

Blizzard vs. Blizzard

Holy meme-hybrids, Batman. It’s Starcraft veruss Warcraft. This pleases me.

Meme Hunters – Join the Clan

I’ve recently created a facebook page called, Meme Hunters: Who Thinks They Can Win the Internet?

The tentative idea is to have a huge cross-section of internet people contributing viral material to the page, as a way to both draw attention to their respective websites, but also as a way to really determine who has the internet inside dope. Ideally, I’d like to link some classic meme-droppers to the side bar like BoingBoing, LaughingSquid, various Redditors, etc.

Obviously, I can’t create this community alone. I would really appreciate your help in getting out the word to the super-serious-Hall-of-Fame-caliber internet junkies out there. Let’s see how amazing this page can be.

(pic created by Flickr user, Negatendo)

BoingBoingTV Epilogue

This video was released today by Beet.TV, offering an official explanation as to why BoingBoing has “ramped down” its video production since the Halcyon days of the daily BoingBoingTV show.

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The Jig (Digg) Is Up

A not-so shocking revelation this morning about the sinking Titanic that is Digg. Not only have they abandoned their core users, not only are the walls crumbling down, but a brand new investigative report revealed that they actually created dozens of fake user accounts to increase traffic to their publishing partners.

Umpteenth user backlash incoming. And hey, did we call it, or did we call it?

Quintessential WTF

Fair warning: I don’t know what the hell this video is. More importantly, I don’t know why it is. Suffice to say, I found it; none of you have seen it, and now you’re about to watch it.

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So It Went

Last night I frequented a local theater production of Slaughterhouse Five featuring the surprisingly versatile Lily Vonnegut.

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The Death of the Liberal Class

Here’s Pullitzer Prize winner, Chris Hedges talking about his recently released book, titled above.

So You Want to Go to Law School

An absolutely masterful use of xtranormal, a website that allows you to make crudely animated videos with built in settings and robotic VO…

Rent is Too Damn Up

New York’s zany seventeenth party, The Rent is Too Damn High Party, has officially become an internet meme.

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