While I’m always susceptible to any video that has been auto-tuned, this one, in particular, strikes a chord.
It seems inevitable that our species’ faculties of curiosity and a sense of manifest destiny will lead us to settle off of Earth eventually. However, the longer we wait to plant the seed of humanity elsewhere, the longer we will have all of our eggs in one basket. And that basket is an increasingly dangerous one to linger in…
In case you’re not as into sports as we here at The Mep Report are, you might have missed this little gem from last night: the worst call in the history of professional baseball. Not that we ever engage in hyperbole anyway, but just in case you’re tempted to think that’s what I’m engaging in here, I give you umpire Jim Joyce and one hard luck pitcher called Armando Galarraga.
Yesterday I posted an infantile dancing man/tiger hybrid that was immediately redacted from the internet. In its place I give you an incredibly vivid, tiger-themed sci-fi music video. Ah, the Yin and Yang of the Internets.
If you thought you were the only one wondering why Twilight has become a cultural phenomenon, despite the fact that it is a work about glittering, vegetarian, self-loathing vampires, look no further. This explains quite a bit.
Tarvuism is the newest life-solving, octopus befriending, super-power unleashing belief system on the block. Needless to say, I will be looking into their Octopus-Intensive Weekend Retreat as soon as possible. And also am wondering about any potential affiliation with the Ramtha School or Enlightenment or the Pastafarians. All three groups seem to have an affinity for tentacles.
This is one of the best animated music videos I’ve ever seen. It reminds me of an enviro-themed Aeon Flux. This magnificence was produced by the Waltzing Monkey.
I’ve been there for a game once, many years ago. Wrigley is one of the few ballparks where drinking, hooliganism, and good cheer always outweigh the events of that day’s ballgame.
Pardon the lack of activity recently. I’m currently adjusting to a sub-human sleep schedule as I try to adjust to the demands of “new media.” Speaking of how we prioritize things and motivate ourselves, here’s a neat piece on some old economist-derived misconceptions.
Okay. Obviously Olympic mascots aren’t something to which people pay a lot of attention. But if you’re hosting the Olympics in, say, 2012, and you’ve already had a few issues with some of your, ahem, graphic design choices, wouldn’t you make sure you had vetted everything properly before unveiling these?
A talented mashup artist visits some of the homo-erotic themes in He-Man, while fleshing out the emotional core of Prince Adam. One can’t be a superhero all the time. Sometimes one just needs to vent frustrations and disco-dance one’s troubles away.