You are currently browsing posts tagged blog.

Baseball Chicanery

Call me crazy, but there is something about the leisurely pace of baseball that lends itself to a profound level of goofiness. Yet another reason why it is the finest sport ever invented.

Olberman on Hicks

Was surprised to learn that Keith Olberman is yet another Bill Hicks disciple. I suppose it shouldn’t come as a surprise, given the anti-authoritarian, silly streak in both of them. Yet, this was a pleasant and totally unexpected convergence. Happy to have attended the LA premiere of this.


I heard it bandied about in a YouTube comment thread that there is a growing belief that Bill O’Reilly invites Jon Stewart to his show so much because he is, in fact, a double agent working to destroy Fox News from the inside. I support his efforts.

The Despondancy of Synecdoche

I don’t know how I missed it in its original go-round, and am a little bit irritated at my digital arts media fare for not calling attention to it sooner, but Synecdoche, New York, may be the finest film I’ve ever seen. This piece is almost completely indescribable. It is an Escher-ian meta story that swallows its own tail. The glut of surrealism contained within can cause temporary psychosis, though – so fair warning. Anyway, have a monologue:

Facebook Russian Roulette

Want to play. Badly. Mao. MAO! MAO! MAO! (BLAM)

The Last Glimpse

Ever think to yourself, boy, I really hated the execution of Gaspar Noe’s Enter the Void, but loved the concept. Could you maybe find a Native American version based on an ancient Sanskrit epic without the gratuitous sex and violence? Yes, says the internets, I believe we have that.

Bieber-Fever and Information Quarantines

Lecturer of fame, Eli Pariser, delineates the newest threat to information freedom – taste algorithms. This is an automated ‘service’ provided by the likes of Facebook and Google that shield you from things you’re less likely to be interested in, while facilitating your access to all sorts of useless drivel that you may spend the better part of your wasted existence ingesting. And this taste algorithm will ensure that you never break out of your Bieber-addled nonsense consumption. Because even if you want to look for things outside your usual circle of uselessness, the taste algorithms will prevent you from finding them. Frightening.

Hasa Diga Eebowai

From the new Broadway sensation, “The Book of Mormon” comes the most outstanding showtune I’ve ever heard. Warning: This song is NSFW and NSFChurch.

Hasa Diga Eebowai

Paper Cutout Ultra-Violence

Tremendous old school South Park-style samurai epic.

Roll a d6, baby!

There’s awesome, and then there’s awesome squared.

Welcome to the latter.