You are currently browsing posts tagged blog.
Gimme Mah Nucular Pills!
Much like Texas, everything in America is done in a big way. We don’t half-ass things – we fully-ass them. So, while Japan is reacting to a totally legitimate and quantifiable crisis caused by a natural disaster, Americans are panicking at the hoaxy spectacle of radioactive particles traveling 5,000 miles and settling right on top of the 405 freeway in Los Angeles…
Vatican Assassin Warlocks
Experimental music video featuring a techno-warlock. Why not?
Regressing into the Future
Here’s an amazing conceptual piece by video artist, Keiichi Matsuda. In it, he depicts the fusion of computer interface with actual reality. Continuing with the trend of human reliance on machines, Matsuda’s futuristic first-person protagonist doesn’t know how to make a cup of tea on his own without looking up the recipe. Eerily prescient.
Adventures in Capitalism
From time to time, I use this space to relate my frustration with the trappings of capitalism and its various profit-motivated aggravations. It is a constant wonder to me how badly people will treat each other when small pieces of dirty green paper are on the line.
Echoes of Hibernia
This short film was shot with the eye of a wayward soul returning home. It is worth watching.
the causeway from ben joyner on Vimeo.