But what will the Huffington Post say?
How not to get it wrong.
I’m shocked–SHOCKED–by this headline:
“Obama oil response: aggressive as crisis unfolded”
“The Gulf region, ravaged five years earlier by Hurricane Katrina, was on the verge of a second ecological disaster. Would there be a repeat of the bureaucratic bungling that marked President George W. Bush’s response to the hurricane?
While the Obama administration has faced second-guessing about the speed and effectiveness of some of its actions, a narrative pieced together by The Associated Press, based on documents, interviews and public statements, shows little resemblance to Katrina in either the characterization of the threat or the federal government’s response.”
Yes, according to the Associated Press–not exactly the biggest fan of Obama’s administration–the White House’s response to the Deepwater disaster was light years away from the “let them eat cake” version we got with the incompetent jackass from the last administration. And while most people aren’t likely to be surprised by the fact that Obama actually knows how to do his job, I hope it will help quiet down the peanut gallery on both the left and the right for a bit. Obama could go a long way towards solidifying this performance by permanently ending the madness of drilling thousands of feet below the sea floor with no alternatives available if when it fails. But in the meantime, I repeat my gratitude that we were able to follow up the worst president of the past century with one of the best.